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Admission Policy of MITIS

  1. Parental support of the schools philosophy and practices is a requirement to the admission and continued enrolment of any student. 

  2. Assessment will not be scheduled until all documents are received. 

  3. The school reserves the right to request any additional information before a decision for admission is made. 

  4. Providing false or incomplete information on the application for admission may result in a denial of admission or revocation of enrolment. 

  5. The final decision on the appropriateness of an admission, continued enrolment, re-enrolment, or required withdrawal of any child rests solely with and at the discretion of the School Director. 

  6. MIT International School Admissions to any grade level depends on the evaluation of academic records on completed academic levels and on the age of the child. In addition, the results of qualifying tests and English proficiency tests shall be evaluated for placement purposes.

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